Friendly dates customization


Customize the strings used to display 'friendly dates' (e.g. a friendly date might display 'today' by default, but you might want to customize this so that it displays in the user's language of choice).


All of the strings used in friendly dates can be customized using the Friendly dates customization property. You can use language and text dictionary tags in the customized strings.


Customizing Strings for Friendly Dates

The strings used for displaying dates in a friendly format can be customized by editing the JSON definition shown below. You can use text dictionary (<a5:t>...</a5:t>) and language (<a5:r>...</a5:r>) tags in the strings.

Customizations must be entered using the JSON format. The templates array in the JSON definition contains the text shown for friendly dates. The {data} placeholder is used to position the date in the string.

The example below shows the default JSON object that defines the friendly date strings.

    "relative": {
        "flow": "ltr",
        "templates": {
            "before": "{data} ago",
            "same": {
                "year": "this year",
                "month": "this month",
                "week": "this week",
                "day": "today",
                "hour": "this hour",
                "minute": "now",
                "second": "now"
            "after": "in {data}"
    "calendar": {
        "abbreviated": {
            "templates": {
                "last": "last {data}",
                "yesterday": "yesterday {data}",
                "today": "today {data}",
                "tomorrow": "tomorrow {data}",
                "next": "next {data}",
                "weekFrom": "week from {data}"
            "formats": {
                "time": "h:0ma",
                "day": "Wd",
                "month": "t\\he x",
                "year": "x of Mon",
                "longer": "Mon yyyy"
        "standard": {
            "templates": {
                "last": "last {data}",
                "yesterday": "yesterday {data}",
                "today": "today {data}",
                "tomorrow": "tomorrow {data}",
                "next": "next {data}",
                "weekFrom": "week from {data}"
            "formats": {
                "time": "h:0mam",
                "day": "Weekday",
                "month": "Wd t\\he x",
                "year": "Wd t\\he x of Mon",
                "longer": "Wd t\\he x of Mon yyyy"
        "extended": {
            "templates": {
                "last": "last {data}",
                "yesterday": "yesterday {data}",
                "today": "today {data}",
                "tomorrow": "tomorrow {data}",
                "next": "next {data}",
                "weekFrom": "week from {data}"
            "formats": {
                "time": "h:0mam",
                "day": "Weekday",
                "month": "Weekday t\\he x",
                "year": "Weekday t\\he x of Month",
                "longer": "Weekday t\\he x of Month yyyy"
Use all lowercase in strings and Alpha Anywhere will convert case as appropriate. For example, if you specify 'today', Alpha Anywhere will display 'Today'.

The other properties in the JSON definition are described below:


The text flow direction. Default is "ltr" (left to right).


The date format for the data. See Date and Time Format Elements for more information about date formats.

See Also